Friday, December 4, 2009

Great Presentation Resources

This site was recommended in one of my classes - it looks AWESOME!!! Lots of interesting ideas for creative, powerful presentations.

Presentation Zen

Gapminder is an amazing tool as well!!!! And, the creative commons copywright allows for free use and sharing of all their materials. Here's a chart I made with gapminder (push play to begin animation) - it's animated and illustrates the rate at which personal computers grew each year, by country. It is interesting to note that the US has always been out ahead - a leader - yet, now, several nations are catching up to the US with projections that China and India will soon pass the US according to Rosling (See link below).

Here's an interesting presentation about the rise of India and Asia. The speaker is
Hans Rosling - this is amazing.

And, finally, here's a videoentitled,
Did you know, many of you have probably seen; but, there's an update and it's a good reminder. Very interesting!

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